Can I download any content and watch it offline?

Yes, you can download our content on your device and watch them later provided you have subscribed to our app. This feature will not be available if you aren’t a Premium member, and is only applicable for Android & iOS users.

To download your favourite content, follow the steps below :

1. Register your details
2. Subscribe to ZEE5 by choosing a subscription pack
3. Once your payment is done, log back in to your account with your username & password
4. Open the content that you want and look for the ‘down arrow mark’ icon below the content details
5. Click on it to download the content. You can choose between Internal memory or SD card (if available) to save the file. The quality of the video depends on the current video quality that is set (180p, 360p, 720p or 1080p).
6. Voila! After your download is complete, you can access your downloaded content anytime from Menu > Watchlist > Offline option.

NOTE: If you do not find the icon to download, it is likely that the content might be subjected to copyright and you will not be able to download that video.